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Former NATO Supreme Commander and Key US Navy Figure to Deliver Keynote Speech at ExpoNaval 2024

Retired Admiral James Stavridis will deliver the Master Class at the EXPONAVAL International Congress and participate in various related activities scheduled from December 3 to 6 at Puerto Valparaíso’s Passenger Terminal.

Publicada: Tuesday 2 de July del 2024
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With over 30 years of service in the U.S. Navy, Admiral James Stavridis is a pivotal figure in the naval arena. He has served as the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) of NATO Forces— the highest rank attainable by a U.S. military officer within the Transatlantic Alliance—and as the Commander of the U.S. Southern Command from 2006 to 2009. Additionally, he has held the position of strategic planner at the Pentagon and is a renowned author on maritime and defense issues, with notable works such as “Sailing True North” and “Sea Power.”

Admiral Stavridis, renowned for his expertise, is also a seasoned lecturer and media analyst for outlets like Bloomberg and NBC News. He regularly participates in seminars worldwide, sharing his insights on geopolitics and international relations. He will visit Chile to participate in the upcoming ExpoNaval, the exhibition and International Congress set for December 3 to 6 at the Puerto Valparaíso’s Passenger Terminal.

During the event, the distinguished military officer and former dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University will be a primary speaker. Admiral Stavridis will also engage in parallel activities such as the opening ceremony and an official reception with attending dignitaries.

At ExpoNaval 2024, the former NATO Commander-in-Chief will contribute to the International Congress under the theme “The Challenges of the Defense Industry in the New International Order.” The Congress will feature various panels for analysis and discussion, including topics like “Is a National Defense Industry Necessary?”, “State Defense Companies and their Contribution to the Nation,” “Industrial Capacity in Defense and Its Role in Innovation and National Development,” and “The National Continuous Shipbuilding Plan (PNCNC): Benefits and Challenges.”

“I am thrilled and honored to return to Chile,” said Admiral Stavridis, who previously attended the Chilean Navy’s bicentennial celebrations in 2018, where he also served as the keynote speaker before a gathering of numerous Chiefs of Naval Operations.

“James Stavridis’s presence is a significant boon for the naval community attending our exhibition. His professional background and current perspectives on global issues are invaluable. It is a privilege to host him, and we hope ExpoNaval attendees will benefit from his participation,” stated Rodrigo Lobo, General Manager of FISA, part of the GL Events Group, which organizes the fair.

In addition to Admiral Stavridis, ExpoNaval will host Vice Admiral Martin Connell, the Second Sea Lord of the British Royal Navy. Vice Admiral Connell has played a crucial role in developing the new Maritime Strategy of Great Britain and the ongoing reorganization of the Royal Navy.

The international exhibition will take place from December 3 to 6, 2024, featuring over 120 exhibiting companies from 45 countries. As the premier regional event since its inception in 1998, this edition will showcase the latest technological advances and innovations in shipbuilding, naval equipment, propulsion systems, maritime safety, marine renewable energies, and other related aspects of the defense industry.

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For additional press information, please contact: Mr. Víctor García at +569 9818 8154.

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