Expert Panel concludes that it would be beneficial for Chile to build its new frigates. During the morning of Thursday, December 1, the last panel of experts took place in the framework of EXPONAVAL 2022, whose main theme was “Challenges of shipbuilding and its contribution to the national industry”. The cycle of presentations began with the General Director of the Navy Services, Vice Admiral Pablo Niemann, who presented the Continuous National Shipbuilding Plan being promoted by the Chilean Navy, which seeks to ensure that our country has the capacity to build its own ships in the future. The Shipyards and Shipyards of the Navy, ASMAR, have developed over the years several technologies that place it today with a relevant role in Latin America. They are currently building a new icebreaker ship for the Navy, which will be one of the most modern in the world. After that, the construction of two modern multipurpose ships will begin, whose mission will be to support the tasks that the Chilean Navy has in isolated areas and support mainly in case of catastrophes. These units, which will be more complex in terms of technology and design, will serve as a prelude for ASMAR to be able to build new frigates for the Navy in the future; “we have enough evidence to ensure that a Continuous National Plan will not only promote the industry, but will also be an injection of opportunities for the academic world, will generate more employment and will be a relevant contribution to our national economy,” said Vice Admiral Niemann. Jonathan Walton, Vice President of the Babcock shipyard in the United Kingdom, continued his presentation, explaining the experience they have had, the benefits, challenges and advances that have been generated since they started building their own frigates. On the question “Is it convenient for Chile to develop a construction plan? Our answer is yes”, Jonathan affirmed, given that “in the United Kingdom more than 2500 jobs were generated, it boosted areas of education related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics, it allowed the growth of the communities located near the shipyard, in conclusion it is a benefit for all”, he concluded. Finally, Oliver Michell, Vice President of Sales Latin America, Naval Group, divided his presentation into three main areas: establishing objectives, the challenges involved in developing a project of the magnitude of a frigate and the technological benefits that its development means for the country. Then an opportunity was generated where they received questions from the audience and concluded that the National Shipbuilding Plan is an opportunity for the country that will boost the industry, will promote new areas of research and knowledge, being a contribution to the country’s economy and will allow the Navy to have a new capacity. PRESS CONTACT: Cristián Larraín Tel. +569 5208 7993 clarrain@fisa.cl