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During the second day of ExpoNaval experts analyzed whether Chile is a maritime power

Representatives of the Navy, public, private and academic sectors met to analyze those factors that are necessary for the country to develop looking towards the sea, with a greater maritime awareness.

Publicada: Thursday 1 de December del 2022
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Representatives of the Navy, public, private and academic sectors met to analyze those factors that are necessary for the country to develop looking towards the sea, with a greater maritime awareness. During the second day of ExpoNaval, an interesting panel was held in which, from different points of view, it was analyzed whether Chile is or is not a maritime power, if it has the conditions to be one and those factors that could be implemented for a better and greater development of our country. The first presentation was given by the Director of Environment, Climate Change and Ocean of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Julio Cordano, who explained the National Ocean Policy, which is divided into 5 major areas: conservation of the ocean and its resources; economic development; security; the ocean and territory focused on the prevention of natural disasters and scientific development. Then it was the turn of the former president of the port of San Antonio, Franco Brzovic, who explained the importance for the country of the construction of a mega-port in the municipality of San Antonio in order to receive the merchant ships that are operating today. Why is it relevant? Because Chile’s economy moves through the sea, since more than 96% of imports are made by sea, which is why in order not to be left behind it is necessary that our ports are prepared to receive larger vessels. Continuing with the different points of view, the Director of Maritime Safety and Operations, Commodore LT Carlos Fredes, commented on the role of the Maritime Authority in the fulfillment of the National Ocean Policy, which is centered on the permanent actions carried out by the Institution working to have cleaner, safer and better known seas. He also explained the relevance of raising awareness about understanding Chile as a maritime country: “The National Ocean Policy is a tremendous opportunity that should be well exploited. Education programs should increase knowledge in marine-oriented subjects from the beginning of the student stage of young people. The sustainability of marine resources should be promoted as part of behavioral changes in society. With the actions of the State on different fronts, it will undoubtedly be possible to strengthen maritime awareness in Chilean society”. The series of talks was concluded by Rear Admiral Matías Purcell, who is the Head of the Maritime Strategy Department of the Naval War Academy, who stated from an academic point of view that Chile is essentially a maritime country, however, it is necessary that all relevant social actors become aware of this and that the country’s policies strengthen Chile’s condition as a maritime power.

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