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“Desfío Avante” workshop convenes relevant representatives of the Chilean and foreign innovation sectors during Expo Naval

The Avante Challenge is an open innovation initiative, which seeks to solve problems detected by the Chilean Navy, through scientific-technological based ventures, and that can become sophisticated suppliers of the defense sector and the civilian market.

Publicada: Monday 14 de November del 2022
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The Avante Challenge is an open innovation initiative, which seeks to solve problems detected by the Chilean Navy, through scientific-technological based ventures, and that can become sophisticated suppliers of the defense sector and the civilian market. During the next ExpoNaval 2022 fair, on November 29, a workshop will be held with the participation of the winners of the DESAFIO AVANTE versions, with the participation of the U.S. Ambassador to Chile Bernadette Meehan, the head of the U.S. Navy’s research office Rear Admiral Lorin Selby and the president of the Innovation Club Eduardo Bitrán, among other distinguished speakers. Desafío Avante was launched in 2020 after an active collaboration between the Naval Polytechnic Academy and the Directorate of Programs, Research and Development of the Navy, in alliance with the U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR), and together with the U.S. Navy’s Office of Naval Research (ONR). The first version of the Open Innovation Contest DESAFÍO AVANTE was launched, an initiative that promotes the connection of the Chilean Navy to the R+D+i+e ecosystem, in search of solutions to problems of the Institution, thus promoting the local development of an industry that is capable of becoming a supplier of equipment and services for the Defense and the civilian world. Behind the Avante Challenge is a methodology born from the joint work between the Chilean Navy and KNOWHUB, based on the experience shared by ONR in the implementation of the Hacking for Defense program, the lessons learned by KNOWHUB in the implementation of I-Corps in Chile and bibliographic reviews of comparative experiences of the working team of the different Directorates and Academies of the Navy, with the aim of generating a training program to guide participants in the development of these dual technologies. The training delivered to the participating teams consists of classes, interviews with people involved in the Navy’s problems, field visits, face-to-face activities, preparation of presentations and testing of prototypes with the Institution. All this work is accompanied by a team of experts, facilitators and mentors who provide methodological and practical tools to the participants of the Avante Challenge. In total 19 teams of technological entrepreneurs have gone through the program in its two previous versions, 5 teams have been winners in previous versions, where 4 of them have been selected by CORFO in its Startup Science contest. Thanks to this funding, the teams can continue working on the development of their technologies to solve dual problems.

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