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12 countries have already confirmed their participation in the next edition of Exponaval Trans-port 2020, which will take place from December 1st to 4th, in Base Aeronaval of Concón, Valparaiso Region.

Publicada: Wednesday 11 de December del 2019
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12 countries have already confirmed their participation in the next edition of Exponaval Trans-port 2020, which will take place from December 1st to 4th, in Base Aeronaval of Concón, Valparaiso Region. The exhibition organized by FISA, of the group GL events, will bring together in only one place the Latin American navies and exhibitors of the global industry of defense, shipyards, marine technology, security, telecommunications and maritime-port sector innovations. Between the countries that will participate in the exhibition we can find: Italy, Spain, Turkey, Australia, France, Israel, Canada, Brazil, Sweden, Peru, Germany and England. The 2020 edition will have 14,500 m2 where 160 exhibiting companies are expected to participate, with a convocation of 8,000 professionals and also over 500 business meetings are expected to be made. In Exponaval Trans-port 2020 the participating companies promote new technologies, products, services, machinery and equipment for the navy and maritime-port industries.

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